Keep your head down – inversions and why should do them

An inversion, in general, is categorized as any asana in which the head is below the heart.  Most of you are probably envisioning headstands, handstands, shoulder stands or forearm stands, however there are many gentler versions that can provide the same benefits.

Let’s talk about some of the key benefits and why you should turn yourself upside down.

Inversions reverse the blood flow in the body and improve circulation:

Provides the brain with more oxygen and blood, this increases mental functioning, and improves concentration and memory.

Reversing Gravity:

As gravity pulls your body down, tissues and fluids in your body pool towards the lower extremities — resulting, potentially, in varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Inversions give you temporary relief from the pull of gravity. When you turn upside down, the fluid in your lower body drains better to the veins and lymph vessels, helping to clear up congestion in all parts of your body. Blood goes quickly to the heart and circulation improves, which may help your body get rid of waste products more efficiently and enhance the flow of nutrients to working cells.

Improve balance and core strength:

We already balance on one or two legs, the next step is finding equanimity on hands and head.  Inversions create body balance by developing upper body strength, especially in women, who tend to have more strength in the lower body.  This asana also helps build a strong core, which has many benefits in itself, including supporting the low back, promoting good posture, keeping us upright and balanced which helps us avoid falls.


Starting to drag?   Flip it! Heating inversions such as handstand, headstand, and forearm balance get more blood moving to the brain, these will not only give you physical energy, they wake your mind up as well!


While the heating inversions energize, cooling inversions like shoulder stand & legs up the wall can calm the nervous system, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system – this leaves you feeling calm and balanced.


Keep in mind inversions are not for everybody.. There are certain contraindications that should be taken into account before performing any inversion.  Individuals who have high blood pressure, some heart conditions, neck injuries, detached retina, glaucoma, and epilepsy are issues that should be addressed with a doctor before practicing any inversions.

Until you can safely find and hold an inversion on your own, always practice with a trained instructor.  See below for some common inversions for beginners and intermediate yogis.

Downward dog

Legs on the wall                                                   

Image result for images of legs on the wall

Happy Baby

Image result for images of happy baby asana

Candlestick pose                                                Plow pose (my fav)


Shoulder stand




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